Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Nine month anniversary

Nine months ago today marks the day Penny entered my life.  The little stinker has made a huge impact on my life and I have grown so much as an equestrian with her.  I love her so much and wish she lived in my backyard...

Here are some pictures from this past month.

Curly mane

I rode bareback on her for 4 weeks straight.

M friend took this without telling me :'D

I got some buttons at Hot Topic and put them on her halter and bridle.

I never really tried this until last week!

SO FUN!! Galloping is the best.

I love you to death you sassy little mare! 


Thursday, December 3, 2015


It's been cold out lately, and Penny is getting fluffy...

Her coat is getting very thick.
So fluffy!
She was pretty dirty yesterday.

Just chillin
