Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Little About Me

   Hello!  I'm Emma.   I love and live in Texas, and am always itching to go outside. My favorite things to do are fishing, riding horses, riding bikes, roller blades and rip-sticks, hanging with friends, reading and writing, and catching crawly critters. Since I see so many insects, fish, and other animals, I thought I'd share them with y'all by making a bug blog! Some people may think, "it's so gross!" to even touch a little bug. Well, not me! I just have to see and touch all the bugs up close! Note: not the poisonous ones!

   There was one bug in particular that inspired my blog.

   I was outside about a week ago when I found it. I put it in a container (didn't know if it was venomous or not), and took it home. I had no idea what it was, so I looked it up. It looked like this:

     Interesting, right? Doing more research, I found out it was this:

   I would have never have guessed it was a ladybug larvae!
   The ladybug larvae eats fungus and the adult ladybug eats aphids, little green bugs that usually eat roses and other flowers.  Ladybugs are a member of the beetle family, and the prettiest beetle at that!

   So there you have it; my first of many posts. Thanks for reading and have a good week!



  1. This looks just great, Emma!! I am excited to see all the amazing things you find and share with us! Love, mom xoxo

  2. Emma, I didn't know you had a blog! It's really cool! I will be eagerly awaiting more posts!

    -Lily H

  3. And did you know that the Ladybug legend tells us that The Ladybug was brought to farmers in Europe whose crops were being consumed by insects?. They prayed to the blessed Mother and she sent them ladybug beetles, to eat the other bugs, and the crops were saved. The farmers called them the Beetles of Our Lady, and they became Lady Beetles, and now Ladybugs! The red wings represent her mantle and the black spots her sorrows. :-)

    1. Wow, that's so cool! I didn't know that!


  4. Emma, I have to tell you that when I was a little younger than you, I wanted to be an entomologist. Then, when I was a teenager, I wanted to be a forensic entomologist (and that was before forensics was popular.) If you like bugs, then I think that it is great that you are willing to write and take pictures of them. I didn't end up being a scientist mainly because my high school teachers said that I didn't have a potential in that area. You see, I have difficulty with memorizing things and sciences require so much memorizing, they didn't feel I would succeed. That was the days before learning disabilities were helped and so I listened to them. I homeschool my kids so that they can end up doing whatever they have a passion for. I hope that you, too, do whatever you have a passion for and you have a great start, here with this blog.

  5. Hello Emma!! Welcome to the blog world. What a great idea for a platform. I'm so interested to see what you post here. I bet we'll both learn so much. Have fun!

  6. Welcome to the blogosphere, Emma! You have a lovely start to your blog, and I'm looking forward to reading more. I'll share your posts with my daughter, Bunny, too!

    :o) Mrs. C in Oregon (your mom's online friend)

  7. Thanks for the warm welcome to the blogoshpere, everyone! ;)



Thanks for reading! Come back soon!